We went to a little fall festival and I was so surprised by the amount of people and things to look at that I really didn't compute that there was unusual amount of American flags.
We walked by the band playing classic rock and stopped to listen, and suddenly this happened:
Square dancing.
So we were a little surprised by the western theme, but my dad fit right in with his cowboy boots. And of course there was also the traditional western food of beer and brats.
Choose Stanley....chooooose. One of my little cousins who is in the 3rd grade gave this to my parents to hall around Europe. We had a fun time with him (though I'm not unconvinced that it wasn't an invention for my dad to annoy my mom). His name kept changing too...flat baby and fat Stanley were the two favorites.
My parents have been here for the last week. This is our first adventure. The Frankfurt Ebbelwoi Express I was a little disappointed by the tram. I had expected more of a tour but instead you get your cider and a pamphlet then read a little about what you are seeing...and drink.
I'm going to pull a Brian and share the amazing searches that brought people to my page: anal, butter how to be more butch bordello in deutschland anal butter video anal butter napoleon bbq deutschland anal with butter (i'm starting to see a theme) ninja neckwarmer (that's so cool) german wieners (of course)