Friday, February 29, 2008


Wow, two whole posts in all of February.
What exactly have I been up to? Well, I learned how to crochet little flowers.I made this baby hat for a friend.

Plus I knitted 3 other hats, but can't post those yet. I live such an exciting life. I'm also thinking about getting enough together to open my own shop on I've also mentioned this to Mick's Aunt and she has already started knitting away....
And I decided to get married.
That's about it.


Anonymous said...

etsy is a great idea!!! i've been meaning to post my photographs on that site, but have had the hardest time trying to figure out what my "shop" should be called...!!! :) let me know when you get it all set and squared away!!!

Tracy J. said...

I love how you buried the marriage news